'"Jeremy knows the score. Operations master, aggressive business development expert, great on follow-thru."
Ken Clark, Director of Business Development
Responsive Translation, Inc.

メタルギアソリッド - Metal Gear Solid
Hideo Kojima's famous masterpiece. I was living in Massachusetts in 1998 when I translated this over a period of 6 months. During the process, I did a tremendous amount of research on special terminology for military, genetics, history, politics. I did deep research on Shakespeare and even popularized some terms that are now standard in video games such as “Codec” (無線機) and “OSP” (現地調達). I assisted in the voice-direction in Los Angeles over about 2 weeks and the quality of the translation and voice-acting was so good that it was impossible to tell that it was localized and it was this localization that helped to make Metal Gear into one of the most popular video game franchises in history.
プロジェクトの例/Project examples
ドラクエ6- Dragon Warrior 6
This was a massive project of over 2 million characters and there were no CAT tools at the time, so I hired a programmer to design an early version of a CAT tool that allowed translators and editors to work together online and in real time. It contained glossary check functions and even a chat function. At one time, we had 16 translators working at the same time to complete the project on time.
Over more than 20 years, I have participated in a wide variety of projects. Here are a few examples.

サイレントヒル シリーズ - Silent Hill series
Perhaps the proudest achievements of my career, I worked on Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4 directly with the R&D team. I collaborated with the writers on the plot and delcately crafted the dialog including many very creative poems, songs and puzzles. In addition, I arranged the auditions for the voice actors and directed them in the voice recording sessions as well as the motion capture sessions. To this day, these games are still spoken about with tremendous love by fans all over the world.
"Jeremy is hard working, and very knowledgeable about what he does. He is very good at Japanese translations and he was fun to work with. I highly recommend him."
Richard Epcar
President, at Epcar Entertainment, Inc.

幻想水滸伝2 - Suikoden 2
Back in the old days of game localization, sometimes we would get text dumps that did not show the names of the characters that were speaking the lines. Of course we requested it, but at the time the loclaization was not given much priority among busy R&D teams. Suikoden 2 contains a staggering 108 characters and we had to make our best guesses as to who was even speaking!

ポケモン アニメ/映画 - Pokémon anime & movies
I’ve been translating Pokemon anime and movies since 2003 and my late sister actually played the role of Meowth for 6 years! It’s a lot of fun and my children who are all big Pokemon fans have a great time because they can watch the movies and anime right on my computer. It makes me the coolest Dad in the world!

ヴァルキリープロファイル - Valkyrie Profile
This was a great project because not only did I do the translation, but I also hired the voice-over cast and directed them. I worked with many of the cast members of Pokemon on it, including my sister Maddie Blaustein so it was a memory I will never forget. Also I am a big fan of Norse Mythology so it was a dream project.

シャドウ ハーツ シリーズ - Shadow Hearts series
I worked on a total of 3 Shadow Hearts games, but the very best of them was certainly Shadow Hearts: Covenant, one of the best rpgs I have ever played. I also helped to direct the voice actors in Los Angeles and the results were fantastic since we called in the help of the famous voice actor and producer Richard Epcar. A project that will always be one of my most favorites and one that allowed me to exercise a lot of freedom and creativity.

悪魔城ドラキュラX - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Still one of the greatest 2D side-scrolling games ever made, During a rather boring Japanese drama scene that would been even more boring in English, I added some lines that have spawned a popular internet meme “What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!”. You can even find t-shirts and mugs with this line and people still talk about it today!

ダーククロニクル - Dark Cloud 2
This was a translation for Sony Entertainment and was a game that my children and I played for literally hundreds of hours. Truly a great game and I had a wonderful time translating it, coming up with some terrific weapon names. One funny story is that one of the translators mistakenly translated 「デンキゴマ」as “Electric Sesame” instead of “”Electric Top” and it actually made it into the game as an item!

サルゲッチュ2 - Ape Escape 2
Another game that I translated and directed in New York City with the voice cast from Pokemon. It was a terrific game that spawned a series of sequels and is still beloved by fans to this day. The cartoonish cut scenes were perfect for my choice of using the Pokemon actors and they helped to really make it a game that is perfect for young players!

かまいたちの夜 - Banshee's Last Cry
This ground-breaking "Sound Novel" by Chunsoft first came out for the Super Famicom and this localization was updated for iOS. A huge mystery novel with a tremendous amount of text, I altered the setting from "Ice Weasel" (Kamaitachi) to the more familiar "Banshee" legend and changed the setting from Japan to US which required a lot of creativity including changing some very thick Kansai-ben to a Texas accent and similar adjustments. The translation was very well reviewed and one localizer/blogger even callled it the "Localization of the Year".